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I WON!!!

August 31st, 2011 donnahoke

Just got the email that WRITE THIS WAY was The Producers Choice at the 2011 Briefs Festival at Theatre Out in Santa Ana. The play ran with five others for ten performances over three weekends. Audiences voted The Mission, by Joe Godfrey as their favorite, and the three producers unanimously voted mine. I can’t say enough how wonderful the Theatre Out folks were in keeping playwrights in the loop through the run of the shows and as parting gifts, we’ll be getting programs, postcards, and DVDs of the performances. I can’t wait for those.

Meanwhile, Rachel Brody has mentioned me in her blog, The One Stop Curiosity Shop and asks if I’m the most produced female playwright in Buffalo? Am I? Perhaps. But it’s a pretty small pool…

Off to finish writing a synopsis for SEEDS, which will be read at The Road Less Traveled Theatre this fall, and then begin the submission rounds. I’ll be updating the link under my Playwrights tab soon.

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