Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at

MY 2024 WRITER LIFE (a year in review)

  For more than a decade, my year in review was dedicated to talking about submissions and how they paid off. Those days are gone. As I finish this, I have made just 136 submissions for the whole year, down just seven from 2023–so we must be leveling off–but a quarter of the fat years […]

Dexter Season 8 series finale review: Remember the Monsters

Once I got over the bleak and total sadness that was the Dexter finale, I came to accept why it would end this way. There are no guarantees that love would change Dexter for good–in fact, the odds are overwhelmingly against it given his history–but I’m still left with a lot of things that really […]