Gratitude journals and their more public cousins—gratitude Facebook posts—have become mindful ways to connect with what is good in our lives. I’ve never done one, but it occurred to me a while back that doing a 365 Grateful for playwriting might illuminate a year’s worth of reasons why we’re so loyal to this sometimes […]
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at
Humble Play: New Play Festival of Appalachian Ohio and more
It’s kind of funny that my last post (which was WAY too long ago) was my interview in Insight for Playwrights. Beginning this month, I am actually taking over the editorial portion of that newsletter, and will be conducting those interviews myself (the former editor contacted me because she remembered I had an editorial background). […]
Tags: ARTS/West, black and white, brick monkey, brick monkey theater ensemble, diane curley, diane dibernardo, donna hoke, flowers in the desert, humble play, insight for playwrights, kristen tripp kelley, pamela mangus, road less traveled productions, road less traveled theatre, todd benzin, y york, you haven't changed a bit
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | Comments Off on Humble Play: New Play Festival of Appalachian Ohio and more
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | Comments Off on Humble Play: New Play Festival of Appalachian Ohio and more