If there’s anything I’ve noticed, it’s that playwrights keep their marketing methods extremely close to the vest. I’ve often asked “So how did that production come about?” only to have the question ignored (sometimes repeatedly), or answered “Oh, I’m persistent,” when I want—what we ALL want—is specifics. My Real Inspiration for Playwrights Project (RIPP—all […]
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at donna@donnahoke.com.
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at donna@donnahoke.com.
Tags: Actors Repertory Theatre of Luxembourg, advice for playwrights, advice for submitting plays, buffalo united artists, Dangerous Theatre, donna hoke brilliant works of art, Donna Hoke Couple Next Door, Donna Hoke ON THE ROOF, Donna Hoke Safe, Donna Hoke Slice of Life, Elite Theatre, how to get productions, Real Inspiration for Playwrights Project, RIPP, ten-minute plays
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | 10 Comments »
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | 10 Comments »
Last year in my 2013 submission recap, I simply reported how many theaters I’d submitted to, and how many I’d heard back from. I’m going to go about it a bit differently this year, and make some comparisons over the past three years, because I think—I hope—it will be telling. (I’m a few days […]
Tags: advice for playwrights, BETA program, binge submissions, buffalo, donna hoke, Donna Hoke CHRISTMAS 2.0, Donna Hoke ON THE ROOF, Donna Hoke Safe, Donna Hoke The Couple Next Door, George Sapio, Hormel Festival of New Works, LGBT history play, LGBT ON THE ROOF, lgbt plays, Naatak, new plays, Onstage/Offstage, play submission, play submission advice, play submissions, playwright binge, playwrights, playwriting, Real Inspiration for Playwrights Project, RIPP, Saginaw Valley State University, setting goals, Setting playwright goals, submission recap, submitting getting produced, submitting plays, ten-minute plays, theater, theatre
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, RIPP, Theater, Uncategorized | 32 Comments »
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, RIPP, Theater, Uncategorized | 32 Comments »
RIPP Timeout: a general update
I’ve been so busy with RIPP that I haven’t done any of my usual updates about what’s going on with my own stuff. If you haven’t been following RIPP, I encourage you to check it out. So far, I’ve contacted more than 450 theaters, and responses (or promises to respond) are coming in daily; […]
Tags: Alleyway Theatre, Barn Theatre, Best Ten-Minute Plays 2013, box wine theatre, bua takes 10, Buffalo Curtain Up!, Buffalo Rises, buffalo united artists, Chagrin Valley Little Theatre, Donna Hoke Best Interests, Donna Hoke Cake Top This, Donna Hoke Face Time, Donna Hoke Safe, Donna Hoke The Couple Next Door, Durango Arts Center, gay marriage play, Lakeshore Players, Lakeshore Ten-Minute Play Contest, M.T. Pockets, Nancy Parisi, Ringwald Gay Play Series, RIPP, road less traveled productions, road less traveled theatre, Scituate High School, Smith and Kraus, Spokane Radio Theatre, Stage Door Productions, Stage Q, Stripped Scripts, Subversive Theatre, Summer Solstice Showcase 2013, The Mirror theatre, The Ringwald
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, RIPP, Theater | No Comments »
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, RIPP, Theater | No Comments »