Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at

RIPP Timeout: a general update

  I’ve been so busy with RIPP that I haven’t done any of my usual updates about what’s going on with my own stuff.  If you haven’t been following RIPP, I encourage you to check it out. So far, I’ve contacted more than 450 theaters, and responses (or promises to respond) are coming in daily; […]

Happy new year!

I’m embarrassed at how long it’s been since I’ve updated this blog. I hope readers have had a wonderful 2012, and are excited about the prospects of a new year. I’m beginning my year by committing to actually completing my first “playwright’s purge,” which means I promise to write—something, anything—every single day in January. As […]