A quintessential #PLONY, Rachel Lynett has all the makings of stellar career. She’s racked up an impressive list of finalist and semifinalists notices; been part of the Orlando Shakespeare New Play Festival, American Stages 21st Century New Voices, Jackalope Theatre’s CIRCLE UP, and Capital Fringe; and was selected for Downstage Left Residency at Stage Left […]
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at donna@donnahoke.com.
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at donna@donnahoke.com.
Tags: Arkansas Theatre Collective, Artists Laboratory Theatre, Arts Center of the Ozarks, barrington stage, Digging Up Arkansas, Downstage Left Residency, Fayetteville, Kilroys List, Playwrights Living Outside New York, Rachel Lynett, Trike Theatre, University of Arkansas, WELL-INTENTIONED WHITE PEOPLE
Posted in Interviews, Playwrights, PLONY | No Comments »
Posted in Interviews, Playwrights, PLONY | No Comments »
So this is the biggest news: the world premiere of Seeds begins March 1 at Road Less Traveled Theater. I’m so excited for this and I’m so impressed with the work of director Kristen Tripp Kelly, and cast Todd Benzin, Diane Curley, Kelly Jakiel, Pam Mangus, and Diane DiBernardo. Just amazing. My daughter has been […]
Tags: aoise stratford, barrington 10x10, barrington festival, barrington stage, diane curley, diane dibernardo, dramatists guild, ithaca dramatists guild, kelly jakiel, kristen tripp kelley, pamela mangus, plays about adoption, plays about infertility, plays about twins, plays about women, plays for women, plays strong roles for women, seeds, seeds donna hoke, seeds new play, seeds opening night, seeds road less traveled productions, seeds world premiere, todd benzin, you haven't changed a bit
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | Comments Off on Jampacked!
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | Comments Off on Jampacked!
Happy new year!
I’m embarrassed at how long it’s been since I’ve updated this blog. I hope readers have had a wonderful 2012, and are excited about the prospects of a new year. I’m beginning my year by committing to actually completing my first “playwright’s purge,” which means I promise to write—something, anything—every single day in January. As […]
Tags: acting in buffalo, actors in buffalo, aoise stratford, barrington 10x10, barrington stage, box wine theater, box wine theatre, bua takes 10, bua takes 10 submissions, bua takes ten, donna hoke, donna hoke seeds, dramatists guild, Emanuel Fried, Emanuel Fried New Play Workshop, hoke cake top this, kitchen theatre company, mark harvey levine, matthew crehan higgins, playwrights purge, regional representatives, Road Less Traveled Theater, road less traveled theatre, seeds world premiere, theater in buffalo, you haven't changed a bit hoke
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | Comments Off on Happy new year!
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | Comments Off on Happy new year!