Today, TRADE A PLAY TUESDAY (TAPT) celebrates its one-year anniversary (okay, it’s actually tomorrow, but today is Tuesday, so…). Except for three Tuesdays, it has run every single week, and every single week, playwrights have shown up to trade plays. There have been nearly a thousand traded, and more than a few have gone […]
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at
The Playwrights Binge
It’s September, which means it’s time for another biannual Playwrights Binge. The goal? Submit at least one play a day for the entire month. The beautiful thing about this is that during this time, Bingers share opportunities that they come across with the entire list. There are no worries about increasing competition or keeping all […]
Tags: free online play workshop, free play workshop, get feedback on your play, getting productions, play feedback circle, play workshop, playwrights binge, playwrights submissions, playwriting feedback, September binge. playwrights, you can't win if you don't enter
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Posted in Playwrights, Theater | Comments Off on The Playwrights Binge