Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at

Four Stars for SEEDS!!

Opening nights are weird. It’s hard to gauge people’s reactions. Nobody quite knows what to say to you. And even when somebody says something positive, you’re never really sure if they mean it. Nonetheless, opening night parties are fun, and the SEEDS party at Bacchus was no exception.  We no longer live in an era […]

SEEDS opens tonight!

I am so very proud of the work that everybody has put into this show. If you want to know more about it: WBFO Theater Talk, March 1, 2013: listen at 3:40. Buffalo News article, Donna Hoke Finds Her Voice as a Playwright: March 1, 2013 Previews are amazing, and everybody is contributing to this […]