Once again, I offer up the year’s facts and figures in an attempt to inspire you to keep up your submission game. As with 2014’s Recap: You Can’t Argue With Numbers, 2015’s Review in Numbers, 2016’s Year in Review, and 2017 Year in Review, the goal is to share stats and results of submission, the hows of productions, […]
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at donna@donnahoke.com.
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at donna@donnahoke.com.
Tags: American Crossword Puzzle Tournament, AMERICAN DEAL, Artie Awards, Artie Awards 2018, Brilliant works of art, buffalo united artists, Code Red, ELEVATOR GIRL, Elizabeth Coplan, Emanuel Fried Award, Emanuel Fried Award for Outstanding New Play, Eva's Echo, flowers in the desert, Grief Dialogues, HEARTS OF STONE, marcus james, meet met at the gates, National New Play Network, NNPN, Once In My Lifetime, ONCE IN MY LIFETIME: A BUFFALO FOOTBALL FANTASY, Play4Keeps, Playwrights Living Outside New York, Rachael Carnes, SMITH & KRAUS, SMITH & KRAUS 2017, Stage Rights, submitting plays, ten-minute plays, theater, theatre, will shortz, YouthPLAYS
Posted in Interviews, Play Submissions, Playwrights, PLONY, Productions, ten-minute plays | No Comments »
Posted in Interviews, Play Submissions, Playwrights, PLONY, Productions, ten-minute plays | No Comments »