This blog post is in response to my friend and fellow playwright, Rachel Brody’s actions in getting Eve Ensler to assemble an all-star political cast to read her play, The Vagina Monologues, on the steps of the Michigan State House. Rachel will be holding a solidarity event in New York City tonight. Read about all […]
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Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at
It’s a vagina. Get over it. Respect it.
Tags: activism, connecttheleft, eve ensler, lisa brown, new york city, rachel brody, solidarityevent, state house, the vagina monologues, theater, theatre, union square, vagina monday, vagina vagina vagina, vaginablog, vaginablogs, vaginagate, vaginamonday, waronwomen
Posted in Playwrights, Theater | Comments Off on It’s a vagina. Get over it. Respect it.
Posted in Playwrights, Theater | Comments Off on It’s a vagina. Get over it. Respect it.