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More productions, and a chime!

November 14th, 2011 donnahoke

Just got word that WRITE THIS WAY will be produced in Manchester, UK by Laced Banana for their Heart Beats festival for World AIDS Day November 30. With the Uppity Theater Company’s February production, that’s three hits for this play.

THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR will get a read at the Hive Theatre in New York City in February, and SEEDS is a semi-finalist for a great development opportunity, but I’m not going to say where… cross your fingers anyway. 🙂

And CHIME! I finished my fifth full-length play, which is actually a one-act two-hander and I’m pretty happy with the first draft. In fact, my worst critic is pretty happy with the first draft so that has to be good for something, right? There will be a reading of it in the spring, but in the meantime, I’m concentrating on my upcoming reading at Road Less Traveled Theatre on December 5 starring Matt Witten, Kristen Tripp Kelley, Diane Curley, Sheila McCarthy, and Josie DiVincenzo, and directed by Jon Elston. I’m really looking forward to rehearsal for this; it’s a top-notch cast.

In non-play-related news, my children’s book, Neko and the Twiggets, will be available or the holidays at a MUCH reduced price in both hard- and softcover (even less than amazon). You’ll be able to order them directly from this site, and I’ll autograph them, too! 

As always, a plug for my feedback circle on my Playwrights page… Just click and I’ll send you the guidelines.

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