December is always busy, so much so that I actually look forward to January, when things settle down. But this month, there was a lot going on in addition to the holidays. I had my reading of SEEDS on December 5th, with a fabulous cast who, in one rehearsal, nailed so much of the nuance of this play. Audience response was very good, and a much respected director said some very kind things. I am going to make one major change, but otherwise, it seems in pretty good shape. I’m still waiting to hear how it fared against the competition in that great opp contest…. If your fingers are cramping from the crossing, just hold on a little longer please. 🙂
I spoke with the Artistic Director of Hive Theater in New York the other day, and I should have a director for my THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR reading there shortly after the new year. I’m very excited about this, as the Hive has a good reputation for doing quality work. The reading will be some time in February, so stay tuned if you’re in the NYC area.
I also have a reading on the books for my newest play, a one-act two-hander. Not revealing too many details yet, but that will be the spring.
This month, I also got new hardcover and softcover copies of Neko and the Twiggets, which are now available at drastically reduced prices, so if you haven’t checked it out, please do. You can order them directly from my Web site, and I’ll even autograph them for you. I stopped in at a local toystore to give them some hardcovers and found they’d sold out of their previous inventory. The books are also available in the Buffalo Philharmonic gift shop, which is very exciting.
AND… I’ve gotten several orders for custom crosswords that I’ve been working on. These are so fun. I make a puzzle for my partner every year for Christmas, and he always loves it, so it’s satisfying to know that I’m helping the givers present their recipients with gifts they’ll love just as much.
So forgive me for not keeping my news up-to-date… But it’s all for good reason! Hope to hear from you…