Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at


    A few weeks ago, I wrote about keeping perspective on your work in the spring months, when we get more than the usual amount of letters about how our work is not quite right for this production or that prize. It’s particularly difficult with the growing number of “rejection by announcement” notifications, the […]

BUFFALO RISES: Love, art, and community

      Today, my friend Matthew Crehan Higgins, with whom I co-curate BUA Takes Ten: GLBT Short Stories, tweeted and posted on Facebook that tonight—the sold-out opening of Buffalo Rises at Road Less Traveled Theater—will be our third shared opening. On Facebook, he noted that actors get to say this sort of thing all […]

RIPP Timeout: a general update

  I’ve been so busy with RIPP that I haven’t done any of my usual updates about what’s going on with my own stuff.  If you haven’t been following RIPP, I encourage you to check it out. So far, I’ve contacted more than 450 theaters, and responses (or promises to respond) are coming in daily; […]

Happy new year!

I’m embarrassed at how long it’s been since I’ve updated this blog. I hope readers have had a wonderful 2012, and are excited about the prospects of a new year. I’m beginning my year by committing to actually completing my first “playwright’s purge,” which means I promise to write—something, anything—every single day in January. As […]

I hate May and June

I really do. There is always too much going on so that I miss half the things I want to be doing, and am almost too busy to enjoy the things I am. Put a layer of baseball on top of all that, and trying to find time to write… next to impossible. That said, […]