I am so very proud of the work that everybody has put into this show. If you want to know more about it: WBFO Theater Talk, March 1, 2013: listen at 3:40. Buffalo News article, Donna Hoke Finds Her Voice as a Playwright: March 1, 2013 Previews are amazing, and everybody is contributing to this […]
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at donna@donnahoke.com.
Donna Hoke offers page-by-page script analysis and career coaching for a reasonable fee. If interested, please inquire at donna@donnahoke.com.
SEEDS opens tonight!
Tags: buffalo, buffalo donna hoke, buffalo new plays, buffalo news donna hoke, diane curley, donna hoke preview, donna hoke seeds, kelly jakiel, plays about adoption, plays about family, plays about infertility, plays about surrogacy, plays about women, road less traveled productions, seeds, seeds opening night, seeds preview, theatre talk donna hoke, theatre talk seeds, wbfo donna hoke
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | Comments Off on SEEDS opens tonight!
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | Comments Off on SEEDS opens tonight!
So this is the biggest news: the world premiere of Seeds begins March 1 at Road Less Traveled Theater. I’m so excited for this and I’m so impressed with the work of director Kristen Tripp Kelly, and cast Todd Benzin, Diane Curley, Kelly Jakiel, Pam Mangus, and Diane DiBernardo. Just amazing. My daughter has been […]
Tags: aoise stratford, barrington 10x10, barrington festival, barrington stage, diane curley, diane dibernardo, dramatists guild, ithaca dramatists guild, kelly jakiel, kristen tripp kelley, pamela mangus, plays about adoption, plays about infertility, plays about twins, plays about women, plays for women, plays strong roles for women, seeds, seeds donna hoke, seeds new play, seeds opening night, seeds road less traveled productions, seeds world premiere, todd benzin, you haven't changed a bit
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | Comments Off on Jampacked!
Posted in Playwrights, Productions, Theater | Comments Off on Jampacked!